open-source electrophysiology


Consisting of an acquisition board and graphical user interface, pyPhotometry is an open-source system for fiber photometry data acquisition


Developed by Thomas Akam & Mark Walton, pyPhotometry is both the hardware and software needed to perform bulk imaging of a sensor through fiber photometry. Built around the Micropython Pyboard microcontroller and written in Python, pyPhotometry supports data aquisition from two analog and two digital inputs, and control of two LEDs via built in LED drivers with an adjustable 0-100mA output. The system supports time-division multiplexed illumination which allows fluoresence evoked by different excitation wavelengths to be independenly readout from a single photoreciever signal.


  • 2 digital & 2 analog inputs for data acquisition (BNC connectors)

  • 2 LED drivers with adjustable output (0-100 mA)

  • Control of data acquisition and online visualisation of signals via the GUI

  • Time-division multiplexed illumination to prevent crosstalk between fluorescence signals and bleed-through of ambient light, with online demultiplexing and visualisation

  • Streaming of acquired data to disk in a compact binary format


pyPhotometry code is licenced under the GNU General Public License v3. If using pyPhotometry, please cite the manuscript:

Akam, T., Walton, M.E. pyPhotometry: Open source Python based hardware and software for fiber photometry data acquisition. Sci Rep 9, 3521 (2019).