Easy to build, reusable silicon probe implant
The SiliconProbeDrive is a chronic drive implant with a silicon probe for extracellular electrophysiology that includes drive body, skull part, Omnetic connector holder, and shuttle part. It has been used in freely moving mice running on a linear track, open field, and water maze. It was developed by Jyh-Jang Sun in Kloosterman lab at NERF.
Channel count: 32 channels per drive
Lightweight: 2.1 grams
Assembled in a day
7-mm travel distance
Reusable neural probe/implant.
To build a drive, you will need:
Print out the 4 STL files. We have tested grey resin and printed by Form 2 & 3 (Formlabs).
A custom screw (14.663mm-long M1.2; resolution: 250 µm per turn). The one from OpenEphys might work.
2x 20G metal tubings (2mm-long) and 2X 23G metal tubings (8mm-long). Both could be ordered from Micro group.
2x 6mm-long 1.2M screw; 4x 3mm-long 1.2M screw.
A screwdriver. The one from OpenEphys might work.
A silicon probe for chronic recording. I have tested and assembled chronic probes from ATLAS Neuroengineering and Cambridge NeuroTech.
Copyright Jyh-Jang Sun, Hanna Den Bakker, Fabian Kloosterman 2020.
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