open-source electrophysiology

Open Ephys EMG Starter Kit

OEPS-9029 Open Ephys Acquisition Board (3rd Generation).png
OEPS-9029 Open Ephys Acquisition Board (3rd Generation).png

Open Ephys EMG Starter Kit


SKU: OEPS-9036

The EMG Starter Kit includes all of the items required to immediately start working with the Open Ephys Acquisition Board (3rd Generation) and multielectrode arrays for EMG such as myomatrix arrays.

👉 Click here to purchase the EMG Starter Kit in combination with 1:1 training by members of the Open Ephys team.

The EMG Starter Kit ships with two 16-channel bipolar headstages (with accelerometers) and the necessary cables to connect them. Two I/O boards allow the Acquisition Board to be connected with external analog and digital inputs and outputs.

Package includes:

*The headstages and SPI cables can be customized according to your needs. Contact for further information on customized kits.

You can read about what each component is for in this overview.


The Open Ephys EMG Starter Kit with the new Acquisition Board (3rd Generation) will start shipping May 2025 and you are welcome to submit a purchase order now.

If you need a formal quote and/or prefer bank transfer as the payment method, please contact

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